Green RFP
The 2024-25 Green RFP submission period is open!
The Office of Sustainability is currently seeking student proposals for campus sustainability projects for the 2024-25 academic year through the Green RFP Program.
Recognized student organizations are given the opportunity each year to submit a proposal for a sustainable idea that they would like to see implemented on the university’s Blacksburg campus. This memorandum gives a complete overview of the background information, guidelines, timeline, and review process for students planning to submit an RFP for consideration.
Proposals that support the Virginia Tech Climate Action Commitment, produce realizable savings, and require one-time (as opposed to ongoing) funding are given preference. The goal of the program is to have approved proposals funded and implemented within the same academic year.
Submission Process
Proposals should be thorough, but concise. They should clearly state what the problem is (the current state of whatever it is the project is meant to improve), a clear budget, other funding sources, and any potential cost savings. Additionally, students are required to get approval from a university official from the department that will receive the project. For example, if the project is in the Residence Halls, then the student must get approval from an official in Residential Experience.
In order to be successful, students and student groups must make sure that their budgets are correct, that the department to which the project is going approves of the project, and that the writing is detailed, including specifics on project implementation timelines, costs, and special needs.
Approval Process
Once submitted, a team of sustainability officials, faculty members, and undergraduate and graduate student representatives begin a review process and choose proposals to go to Virginia Tech’s Climate Action, Sustainability, and Energy (CASE) Committee. The CASE Committee provides guidance to university administration on the implementation of the Climate Action Commitment, and they work together to identify specific opportunities such as the Green RFP Program, to enhance Virginia Tech's pursuit of environmental quality and social sustainability.
The committee prioritizes the proposals and forwards their recommendations to the Office of Budget and Financial Planning for further review, approval, and funding consideration.
For more information about the program, contact the Office of Sustainability at or call 540-231-7358.
Funded Proposals Summary
As of June 2023, the program has approved 133 student proposals totaling more than $2.08 million.
Note: the projects listed below may not have been funded or completed exactly as written in the applications. These projects go through many layers of review from when they are received until they are funded and completed. Projects may be partially funded and sometimes a different brand/product is purchased than originally proposed.
Sustainable Autoclave - Engel Hall
Stroubles Creek Restoration (Phase 6)
100 Trees for Stroubles Creek Riparian Restoration
Occupancy Sensors and LEDs - New Residence Hall East and Peddrew-Yates
Hydroponics Extension System - Dining: The Market
Battery Recycling Program - Department of Student Affairs (DSA)
Southwest Chiller Plant Green Wall Improvements
Tree Planting - Owens, Dietrick, and Payne Halls
Covered Bike Racks - Hoge and Newman Hall
Bike Racks - 5 Buildings
Projects Funded Prior to 2022
Occupancy Sensors - Shanks Hall
Stroubles Creek Restoration (Phase 5)
Wildflower Meadow at Grove Lane Pond
Stadium Woods Restoration
Pollinator Garden - Huckleberry Trail
Reusable To-Go Container Drop-Off Bin - West End Market
Rainwater Harvesting System - Hahn Garden
Native Flower Gardens at Roundabouts
Water Bottle Refill Station - Architecture Annex
Covered Bike Racks at Residence Halls
Reusable Bag Distribution Pilot at Hokie Grill
Low Flow Toilets - Hillcrest Hall
MMTF Bicycle Locker
LED Lights - McBryde Hall
LED Lights - Lane Hall
Pump System VFDs - Latham Hall
EV Charging Stations - Squires Lot
Water Bottle Refill Station - Hutcheson Hall
Bike Fix-It Station - Venture Out Center
Water Bottle Refill Stations - Food Science Building
Covered Bike Rack - Life Sciences
Bike Racks - Eggleston & Cowgill Halls
Bike Fix-It Station - McComas Hall
Bike Rack - Cochrane Hall
Carpool Parking Spaces
Compostable Utensils - Turner Hall
LED Lights - VT Rescue Squad
Lighting Upgrades - Sidewalk Lamps
Media Building Lighting Upgrade
Sink Lights - Residence Halls
HVAC Upgrade - Moss Arts Center
Findenser Units - Davidson Hall
Stroubles Creek Riparian Restoration
Autoclave - Engel Hall
Water Bottle Refill Station - Math Emporium
Water Bottle Refill Station - Visitors Center
Water Bottle Refill Station - Architecture Annex / Media Building
Water Bottle Refill Station - Cheatham Hall
Light Switch Stickers - Residence Halls
Monarch Butterfly Conservation
Indoor LED Lights for the Math Emporium
HVAC Upgrade for the Math Emporium
LED Hallway Lights for Payne Hall
Replace Outdoor High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) Lamp Post Fixtures with LED Fixtures
Outdoor LED Lights in Cassel Coliseum Parking Lot
Green Lab Initiative
LED Sink Lights in Multiple Residence Halls
Stroubles Creek Watershed Restoration
Mixed Paper Recycling Toters for use in the 16 Architectural Studios
Reusable-to-Go Containers
Rainwater Catchment System in Hahn Horticulture Garden
Bat Boxes
Battery Powered Blower for use at the Hahn Horticulture Garden
Solar-Powered Charging Table Outside Bishop-Favrao Hall
Outdoor Dog Run VMCVM
LED Lights in the Presidents Quad Residence Hall
LED Lights in the Study Lounges in Pritchard Residence Hall
Additional OZZI Containers
LED Lights outside the President's Quad, West End, and Cheatham Hall
Water Bottle Refill Stations- Cowgill and Burchard Hall
Stroubles Creek Riparian Restoration
Water Bottle Refill Stations- Latham Hall
Water Bottle Refill Stations- Derring Hall
Ytoss Residence Hall Indoor Collection Program
Native Trees for Sustainability Week 2018 and Earth Week 2019
Pollinator Habitats at Hahn Horticulture Garden
Stadium Woods Infrastructure Upgrades
LED Lights in Burruss Tunnel
Stroubles Creek Riparian Restoration Buffer
ICTAS I Automatic Fume Hood
OZZI Machine Reusable Container Expansion
LED Lights in Squires Scene Construction Shop
Solar Power Charging Table - Pritchard Residential Hall
Water Bottle Refill Stations - Pamplin Hall and Major Williams Hall
Energy Saving Light Switch Stickers
Bike Racks for Residence Areas
Bike Shelter for Oak Lane Community
Bike Fix-It Stations
Bike Racks for Academic Areas
Bike Races for Residence Areas
Fume Hood Stickers
Indoor Recycling Bins
LED Street Lamps
OZZI Machine Upgrades
Rainwater Catchment System
Trees for Sustainability Week and Earth Week
Water Bottle Refill Station - Smyth Hall
YToss Signage and Banners
Residence Hall Water Bottle Refill Stations
Solar Recharging Tables - Pritchard Residential Hall
Academic Building Water Bottle Refill Stations
LED Street Lamp Upgrades
OZZI Machines for Reusable To-Go
Bike Parking Hub
Covered Bike Rack
Surge Electric Hand Dryers
Water Bottle Refill Stations
Ytoss Upgrades
Battery and Ink Cartridge Recycling
Bike Fix It Stations
Bike Racks
Dining Hall Waste Stations
Garden Expansion
Lighting Upgrades
Low Flow Shower Head Upgrade
Outdoor Recycling Bins
Recycling Bins and Water Stations
Water Bottle Refill Stations
Bike Racks
Farm Additions
Outdoor Mixed Paper Bins
Paper Recycling Bins
Waste Stations
Water Refill Stations