Waste and Recycling

Waste management is an integral part of campus operations as Virginia Tech routinely handles 6,000 tons of materials from various waste streams each year. Those waste streams include: municipal solid waste (MSW), construction & demolition waste (C&D), recyclable materials (PRM), compostable materials, reusable materials, electronic waste, universal waste and hazardous waste. The Division of Facilities is committed to managing these waste streams efficiently, effectively, and safely for the entire campus community.
As a leader in sustainability, Virginia Tech understands the environmental, social, and economic impacts of waste management in southwest Virginia and beyond. Virginia Tech is committed to reducing waste in all forms as stated in the university's Climate Action Commitment and Policy 5505 Campus Energy, Water and Waste Reduction. The main campus in Blacksburg has made strides to reduce waste and increase recycling by over 2,000 tons, achieving a 40% recycling rate.
The Montgomery Regional Solid Waste Authority (MRSWA) serves Virginia Tech, Montgomery County, the Town of Blacksbug, and the Town of Christiansburg in the removal of MSW and most recyclables. Please visit the MRSWA website for additional information on the services they provide.
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